The Ultimate Guide to Instagram Monetization for the Everyday User in 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Instagram Monetization for the Everyday User in 2023

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Vanessa Franz


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16 Aug 2023


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Hey there! Think Instagram's just for scrolling endless dog pics or drooling over delicious food snaps? Think again! Let's get into how you can make some serious cash with Instagram monetization.

1. Understand the Basics:

First things first, know your lane. If you're all about that travel life, keep it wanderlust. Crazy about crafting? Showcase it! Your niche is your identity, and it's what will attract both followers and potential collaborators. Remember, “Consistency is the key to building a strong brand,” says branding expert Seth Godin.

2. Building Trust with Privy Reviews:

Everyone loves a good recommendation, right? Privy Reviews offers a game-changing platform for Instagram users. It's like having a constant flow of supportive shoutouts. By collecting genuine feedback from your followers, you're solidifying your brand's trustworthiness. After all, as digital marketer Neil Patel once said, "People influence people."

3. Grow and Engage Your Audience:

Popularity isn't just about the number of followers you have; it's about the real interactions you cultivate. Remember Kylie from high school? She's now raking in a solid income just by chatting about her skincare routine in her Instagram stories. And don't forget to prompt your peeps for feedback on Privy Reviews—it's like your digital guestbook!

4. Sponsored Posts and Brand Partnerships:

Are those ads sandwiched between your friend’s holiday snaps and a cute cat video? That's where brand collaborations come into play. Brands are always on the lookout for relatable faces to showcase their products. Elle Woods from Legally Blonde once said, “You must always have faith in people. And, most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself.” Believe in your brand, and others will too.

5. Affiliate Marketing on Instagram:

Picture this: You're raving about your favorite moisturizer on your story. Now imagine getting paid every time someone buys it through your link. That's affiliate marketing on Instagram. Platforms like ShareASale or ClickBank can help you get started.

6. Selling Products or Services:

The “Shop Now” feature on Instagram is a game-changer. Artisans like Liam, who sells hand-crafted leather wallets, have shifted from traditional storefronts to selling directly through Instagram. His wallets get shipped worldwide, all through a single post!

7. Offering Paid Subscriptions:

Think of this as the VIP lounge of your content. With platforms like Patreon, your biggest fans can get exclusive access to you. Maybe it's a series of special videos, shoutouts, or just some behind-the-scenes peeks—it's a way of offering more and getting support in return.

8. Instagram's Affiliate and Shop Features:

Instagram's always coming up with easier ways for you to make bank, and their built-in affiliate and shop features are a testament to that. Convert your account into a business profile, set up a shop, and you're good to go. Think of it as your 24/7 digital storefront.

9. IGTV Ads, Reels, and More!:

Gone are the days when YouTube had a monopoly over video ad revenue. With monetizing IGTV and Reels, you can earn by just showcasing your creativity. Dancer Alex got noticed on Reels, and now brands are queuing up to sponsor his content!

10. Tips for Monetization Success

Here's the tea:

  • Stay genuine. People can spot a fake from a mile away.
  • Algorithms change, so keep an eye out and adapt.
  • Don't over-advertise. Keep your content mix balanced.


Alright, with all this info, you're now equipped to master Instagram monetization. It's not just for the influencers; everyday folks can get in on the action too. With persistence and a dash of creativity, the Instagram world is your oyster!

Sign up at Privy and start growing your audience today!