How to Get More Subscribers on Snapchat Public Profile

How to Get More Subscribers on Snapchat Public Profile

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Vanessa Franz


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23 Oct 2023


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Can you imagine a world without the internet? We don’t think so. It is the world of super swift technological advancement, and one has to keep up with that. And when we talk about the digital world, social media comes into play significantly. This goes for business and personal use. 

It has changed how influencers and creators use it to connect with the audience. They get heftily paid. If you want to monetize your work, Snapchat is one such social media app. Yes, we know Facebook and Instagram are dominating everywhere, but Snapchat also has 350 million active users. 

It has some flattering features that can keep users engaged, so it’s worth looking into. But many don’t know how to use it correctly to their advantage. 

Here’s a blog that explains how you can get more subscribers, turning your creativity into profit. Let’s explore how to get more subscribers on Snapchat right away!

Why Should You Increase Your Snapchat Followers?

Snapchat has been a well-liked tool for many for several reasons. It has been doing the rounds even after the prevalence of Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. Here are a few reasons to have more followers on Snapchat-

Better Reach

One particular reason to have more followers is to expand the user’s reach and create new opportunities. Features like Snap Map, disappearing pictures, impressive user interface, secure messaging, and filters make room for creativity. This captivates the audience differently, which may create a positive buzz for you. Isn't that great? 

The Gen Z Factor

Another primary and notable benefit is having access to “Gen Z”, a demographic highly active on Snapchat. If your target market includes individuals born from the mid-nineties to 2012, this platform could be an ideal space to establish your presence and connect with this younger audience. 

Gain Access to Diverse Niches and Demographics

Increasing your Snapchat followers provides access to diverse niches and demographics. This diversity improves your content and spreads opportunities to connect with individuals who may be interested in your offers. As your follower count grows, so does building a more dynamic community on the platform.

High Engagement Value

Engagement is another persuasive reason to invest in a Snapchat presence. The diverse collection of tools available allows you to leverage the platform's interactive features, effectively drawing in potential customers and keeping them entertained. 

Snapchat offers numerous avenues to interact and maintain a connection with the audience. This level of engagement can immensely contribute to brand awareness and customer retention.

How to Get More Snapchat Followers and Friends? 

Looking to grow your Snapchat circle? Here, we list some simple ways to make more friends and followers. It will help you connect with new people and expand your social network on the app. It will be beneficial for you-

  1. Form a Gripping Public Profile

A public profile on social media is our first recommendation if you want to increase Snapchat followers and friends. Naturally, you cannot do it with a private account if you want to reach out to people as an influencer or creator. 

Create a public profile by going to the settings and changing your privacy control. Make the stories, story views, and location visible to “everyone”. Then go to “Spotlight and Snap Map” and click on “Create public profile” by clicking the three dots near “Add to spotlight”. 

Remember, you must be 18 years old, or above to have a public profile and an active Snapchat account. You must adhere to the community guidelines and have one friend who is also your friend. 

Composing an interesting Snapchat public profile marks your initial interaction with potential followers. Make an intriguing profile picture and a persuasive bio, and include links to your other social media platforms. Use this space to offer a preview of your content and communicate the distinctive value you offer your audience. Boost Snapchat followers through an intriguing profile. 

Keep an eye on what resonates with your audience. Adapt your profile. Experiment with different content types, styles, or themes to keep things fresh and attractive.

2. Consistent Storytelling

We all love good storytelling, be it digitally or any other way. To get subscribers on Snapchat, you must have a solid content strategy. Increasing your Snapchat friends and followers involves several strategies- consistent storytelling being paramount. 

As users of Snapchat, we can say that without a definitive storyline, you wouldn’t land anywhere. 
Think of something related to your life or hobbies. Try making BTS or behind-the-scenes videos for viewers to get a sneak peek of your work. You can use all the features for a cohesive narrative. We know it would work well. 

In our view, you should make a cohesive narrative. Make use of images, videos, and other interactive elements to create an energetic atmosphere. 

All in all, consistency is vital. Post at regular intervals, but don’t inundate your followers. Find a schedule that works for you and your audience, keeping in mind peak times when your followers are most active.
Regular, consistent posting is essential to keep your audience engaged and returning for more, significantly enhancing the likelihood of attracting and retaining subscribers. Along with consistency, combine interactive activities like taking polls, Q&A, AMA sessions, etc. You’ll have an increasing number of Snapchat followers.

3. Invite Contacts and Share Your QR Code on Social and Email

Any shares from social media are good for people wanting to make money through the platform. It will expand your Snapchat follower numbers. If you expand your followers through familiar contacts, it would be a quick win. 

Use the app's "Add Friends" function to sync your contacts and find those already on Snapchat. Once connected, these friends and family are likely to reciprocate and follow you back, kickstarting your follower count. Moving on, tap into your Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram followers who might also be on Snapchat.

Create a unique Snapcode in your Snapchat settings and share it with your followers. The code provides easy access to follow back, therefore giving you more followers. You need to save the image and import it into Snapchat. 

We think you can use Canva to craft a visually appealing graphic featuring your Snapcode. It ensures easy sharing on social media. Keep it user-friendly with straightforward instructions. Engage your email list by offering incentives to entice them to join your Snapchat. 

Utilize your existing contacts and other social platforms by leveraging the app's "Add Friends" function and sharing your Snapcode. Use Canva to create a striking visual featuring your Snapcode and share it on your most active social channels. 

Simplify the process for new users by providing clear instructions and incentives. Drive engagement through email via valuable perks and persuade the wider audience to join your Snapchat Influencer community.

4. Getting a Snapchat Creator Account

When making your account public, earning a subscribe button on Snapchat doesn't come automatically. To unlock this feature, consider upgrading to a Snapchat Creator profile, which offers certain perks. 
Meet specific criteria to qualify for a creator account: maintain an active Snap profile with at least 100 subscribers. Ensure the profile is active for at least a week and have one mutual friend. 

Alongside these prerequisites, creating original, engaging content, like crafting unique filters and sharing compelling snaps is essential. It helps in becoming a Snapchat content creator and enables access to the coveted Subscribe button once you meet the criteria. By constantly sharing captivating content, your profile will be eventually recognized as a creator profile by Snapchat.

Besides, Snapchat offers verification for Snap Stars and creator accounts. Confirming their verification involves a set of rules and requirements. Meet the necessary criteria and consistently produce attractive and original content.

By doing so, Snapchat may acknowledge and designate your account as a verified Creator Account. It will offer additional credibility and recognition within the platform. Gain more Snapchat user engagement through it.

 5. Exclusive Content

What do we mean by exclusive content to gain followers and friends? We have already discussed interactive and consistent stories on Snapchat. However, providing exclusive content on Snapchat is a powerful strategy to tempt and retain followers. 

The "Private Stories" is to give out exclusive content. You can create a separate story visible only to a chosen group, offering them something unique and unavailable to your broader audience.

Consider offering behind-the-scenes glimpses into your daily routine to limited people. You could showcase the making of your products or services or share personal experiences and insights.

For instance, being a musician, you might share snippets of new tracks, exclusive acoustic performances, or backstage moments from gigs. The goal is to provide valuable, intimate content that makes your subscribers feel special. 

You could also provide limited-time discounts, Q&A sessions, early access to products, etc, via exclusivity. With these Snapchat growth strategies, you will see a rise in loyalty and following in your account.

6. Use Bitmoji and AR For Viral Content

Despite being an engaging platform, Snapchat has its challenges. This is due to the intense competition and saturation among brands. You have a tough task to create viral content in the crowded digital space. However, it does offer Bitmoji and AR. 

These two hold great potential to craft eye-catching content, even for the less famous brands. Bitmoji is a virtual customizable avatar used in Snapchat. It allows users to personalize their avatar with different outfits, faces, hair, eyes, etc. You can use it in photos, snaps, and messages on other social media platforms too. 

Additionally, get extraordinary results from Bitmoji within Snapchat's AR feature. For instance, McDonald's used AR to enable Snapchat users to create their version of the McPlant burger, showcasing the power of this tool for promoting products or experiences. 

Despite the intense competition, these Snapchat features provide a unique edge for brands.

7. Promote Your Snapchat Profile

With experience, we know this is one of the best ways to gain more Snapchat followers. Being in this field for years, we can say this strategy works. 

However, promoting your Snapchat profile involves cross-platform visibility. You must share your Snapchat handle across various channels- social media platforms, your website, or YouTube. Try to push your audience to join you on Snapchat. Team up with other influencers or creators and endorse each other's profiles mutually. It will guarantee the expansion of exposure and attract new followers.

For instance, regularly post snippets or teasers of your Snapchat content on your Instagram or Twitter account (if you have a good presence there). Invite your followers to join you on the platform for more exclusive, in-depth stories or engaging interactions. 

Also, if you run a YouTube channel, integrate calls-to-action within your videos or video descriptions. It prompts viewers to connect with you on Snapchat for supplementary content or sneak peeks into your creative process. 

This cross-promotion strategy helps create a network effect, expanding your reach and drawing in more friends and followers to your Snapchat profile.

8. Host Contests and Giveaways

Contests and giveaways on Snapchat aren't just about sales but also about boosting content and visibility; they can also increase your Snapchat friends. For instance, Manscaped's Snapchat giveaway saw a 17% revenue spike, attracting 13% more buyers and increasing order values by 20%. 

Cheetos cleverly used hidden Snapchat codes during the Super Bowl. It gave fans a chance to claim a free bag of Cheetos by scanning their ad. The move generated a massive 44 billion impressions! Not bad, right? 

Some cool Snapchat giveaway ideas include local scavenger hunts, fun trivia quizzes, and photo or hashtag contests. These interactive activities attract new friends and keep existing ones hooked, giving you a chance to win while boosting your Snapchat presence.

It’s no secret that giveaways can impact sales, grow your followers, and increase your email list. However, they can also help you get more Snapchat friends too.

 9. Offer Paid Subscriptions

How to get more friends and make money on Snapchat? Well, offering a paid subscription is one way. It involves creating premium content that followers can access by paying a subscription fee. For the creators, this presents an opportunity to monetize video content or snaps. They could be providing their audience with specialized, high-value material.

We think this one might be slightly more difficult than other ways as no one wants to spend money easily. But if they are willing to, you are providing exceptional content. 

For instance, a fitness influencer might offer a paid subscription that includes personalized workout plans, one-on-one Q&A sessions, and exclusive live sessions for subscribers. 

These paid subscriptions offer extra value to subscribers and provide creators with a consistent revenue stream. You create a good connection with your dedicated audience. The exceptionality of the content and the direct interaction with subscribers often lead to a more trustworthy fanbase on Snapchat.

10. Geo filter

There’s another unique way to get more subscribers on Snapchat- by using the geo-filters and geo-stickers. It shows your whereabouts and works well. After using it several times, we recommend this one as it is a fun way to connect locally. It can help followers to meet you in person. 

On-demand geo-filters allow users to create distinctive photo overlays exclusive to a specific time frame and location you define. 

But before using all this, you need to know your target audience and create filters that resonate with them. It is how you use the geo-filters effectively. For instance, if you are selling something, your followers might be interested in product updates, giveaways, or content related to your industry.
While on-demand geo-filters come at a cost, the exclusivity they provide can be a powerful tool for engagement and community. Imagine you own a local coffee shop. You could design a geo-filter that's available only near your shop during specific hours.

This filter might include a catchy slogan or reference to a local event. It would encourage users in the area to use it and share their experiences at your firm.

 11. Partner with Brands

To gain more followers on Snapchat, you can try partnering with brands. It is a way to monetize and increase subscribers as well. The idea is to collaborate with brands sharing a similar niche or values, creating a mutually advantageous relationship.

Resonation with your audience is important for brands and Snapchat account users. Your followers should feel that the sponsored content seamlessly fits into your Snapchat story rather than appearing forced or out of place.

For example, being a fitness influencer on Snapchat, partnering with a sports apparel brand or a fitness equipment company makes sense. 

You could create Snaps featuring their products in action, share personal experiences, or host a giveaway. It adds value to your content and introduces followers to products or services they might be interested in.

How to effectively partner with brands on Snapchat?

    • Identify potential partner
    • Pitch your idea
    • Negotiate terms
    • Create authentic content
    • Audience Engagement
    • Measure results

You will attract more subscribers who appreciate the relevant and engaging content you share. Do it by carefully selecting and realistically integrating brands into your Snapchat world. 

12. Utilize Affiliate Marketing

Pay attention to the analytics in Snapchat and learn which content performs the best. It is one of the best ways to get more subscribers on Snapchat. We have experienced this firsthand. The data you get from the analytics should be used to optimize strategy. 

You, as users, should keep an eye on the analytics provided by Snapchat. Look for data such as views and demographics. Recognize which Snaps perform well and spot patterns in your audience's behavior.

Scrutinize which types of content receive the most views, likes, and comments. Identify trends in the topics or formats that reverberate with your viewers. For instance, if your behind-the-scenes Snaps get more engagement than product showcases, focus on creating more behind-the-scenes content.

You can determine the time when users are most active and post content accordingly. And if you understand the demographics it would do wonders to gain more followers and friends. 
For instance, you are a travel content creator. After thorough analysis, you notice more views on local cuisine and culture than party hubs.

Armed with this information, you can optimize your approach by:

    • Creating more content around local cuisine and cultural experiences.
    • Scheduling your Snaps to go live in the evenings to maximize engagement.

This approach ensures you deliver content that aligns with your audience's preferences and timing. You will attract and retain more followers. Regularly analyzing and optimizing is a crucial strategy for growing your subscriber base.

13. Analyze and Optimize

Pay attention to the analytics in Snapchat and learn which content performs the best. It is one of the best ways to get more subscribers on Snapchat. We have experienced this firsthand. The data you get from the analytics should be used to optimize strategy. 

You, as users, should keep an eye on the analytics provided by Snapchat. Look for data such as views and demographics. Recognize which Snaps perform well and spot patterns in your audience's behavior.

Scrutinize which types of content receive the most views, likes, and comments. Identify trends in the topics or formats that reverberate with your viewers. For instance, if your behind-the-scenes Snaps get more engagement than product showcases, focus on creating more behind-the-scenes content.

You can determine the timings when users are most active and post content accordingly. And if you understand the demographics it would do wonders to gain more followers and friends. 

For instance, you are a travel content creator. After thorough analysis, you notice more views on local cuisine and culture than party hubs. 

Armed with this information, you can optimize your approach by:

    • Creating more content around local cuisine and cultural experiences.
    • Scheduling your Snaps to go live in the evenings to maximize engagement.

This approach ensures you're delivering content that aligns with your audience's preferences and timing. You’ll attract and retain more followers. Regularly analyzing and optimizing is a key strategy for growing your subscriber base.

Getting What You Deserve

It’s tough competition out there, and making the most of social media is crucial to success. We have given you the best tips and tricks to increase Snapchat followers, but eventually, you need to use it correctly. 
Individuals and social media marketing teams can use Privy Reviews to increase subscribers and friends on Snapchat in several ways. 
By collaborating with us, you, as content creators, gain a stunning tool. You will get viewer feedback, credibility, and feedback responses and stand out in the cutthroat online marketplace. Use this platform for its unique features and earn well!