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Support Articles About Reviews

Support Articles About Reviews

  • Who can write a review and when?
  • When can I write a review?
  • Tips for writing a good review.

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How Privy works

Discover the power of Privy, the premier influencer reviews platform. Dive into a world where users share insights, connect, and explore new creators. Learn how to read and write reviews, unlocking the key to amplifying digital creators' audiences. Join Privy, where community meets influence.

Who can write a review and when?

Reviews that are helpful represent actual experiences had by real people. Because of this, Privy Reviews has guidelines for who is permitted to write reviews. How soon can you publish a review?According to our Guidelines for Reviewers, you can only evaluate a creator if you recently and honestly interacted with them. It might be:You hired them to collaborate. Even if the collaboration was cancelled, you placed an order nonetheless.You spoke with someone on the phone, sent them an email, or chatted online.You previously made use of the creators goods or services.You subscribed to their content online.Pro tip: In case there is a query about your review after it has been published, keep some proof of your experience (such as a receipt or a screenshot of your online chat with customer support). What additional criteria are there?As well as making sure you fit one of the above situations, make sure your review is:Only discuss your own experiences, never those of others, andDescribe a recent event that happened to you, within the past 12 months. When are reviews not permitted? You have a unique connection to the creator.You are not permitted to submit a review of a creator that:You are a friend or family member of the creator.You work for, are hired by, orIf you're a former employee, you can write a review about a real purchase or service experience you had with the creator while not employed by them.Is a direct rival. Your evaluation shouldn't focus on your professional history.You were given a reward.Creators aren't permitted to offer any kind of incentive for reviews, so you can't post a review if you've been given one. Discounts, cash awards, loyalty points, gifts, coupons, referral bonuses, etc. are just a few examples of incentives.Have you been presented with a reward? Inform us. How to write a reviewFor step-by-step directions on all the fundamentals, from creating a Privy profile to locating a specific creator and leaving a review, check out our getting started guide.You can always edit or update a review you've already made.

What's the purpose of Privy Reviews?

Privy is a free and open public forum that brings creators and subscribers together. Privy provides a safe space for subscribers to share their experiences about content creators while also discovering new ones built on trust and transparency. With real reviews in real-time, Privy gives everyone a voice. Clever technology backed up by trained experts ensures content creators receive genuine and accurate reviews at all times. Giving them a verified source to strengthen their popularity, create better experiences and win new fans. Privy comes with a suite of features that make it easy for creators to track their performance changes from premium customer support to real-time reporting. With its analytic tool doing the heavy-lifting, creators can also deep-dive into their current fan experience to gain real-time metrics on where to improve. While this adds to the many benefits of Privy, its true power comes from being transparent to all subscribers and content creators. Privy’s tech team makes use of industry-leading fraud detection software that utilizes the power of artificial intelligence to detect suspicious reviews and remove them. Agents and legal experts also help ensure that relevant anti-extortion and anti-bullying policies are enforced to prevent platform misuse. By enabling creators to engage directly with subscribers, Privy aims to be the most trusted source of reviews on the web Open and free for everyone Privy hosts reviews as user-generated content in our online community that's open and accessible to all. Anyone can leave a review for a content creator and creator. Everyone has a voice. As a platform, we work to ensure that all reviews are free of censorship and manipulation, so you know that you’re reading a real review written by a real customer. Experience sharing We believe that fans should be able to share their experiences freely because it improves transparency, helps build relationships, and strengthens trust. Because when creators work with fans' feedback, whether positive or negative, they show their fans that they care about their loyalty.

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